Anna Charm
Balmung ♥ UK

Name: Anna Louise Cox or Anna Charm
Age: 18
Race: Midlander Hyur
Citizenship: Limsa Lominsa, Sharlayan
Height: 5 fulms
Build: Petite, slim
Occupation: enrolled in the Studium
Sexuality: Bisexual
Noticeable features: full lips, warm brown eyes, long legs, potent and dense aether.Brief personality: At a glance, Anna looks like your typical girl-next-door. Sweet, pretty, and unassuming. When you talk to her however, you soon realise she's far too clever for someone who looks so naive. Though witty and teasing much of the time, she also possesses the natural warmth and caring of someone who's trained as a healer.

La Noscean Farming family: The Coxes should be a fairly known name in the farming community, in particular with Dodo farming as they own a commercial farm in Lower La Noscea.
The Studium: Anna is currently enrolled in the Studium in Sharlayan studying aetherology. Her biological father, Jasper Tivari, is a lecturer and researcher in Sharlayan.
The Drunken Moogle: Anna has worked as a part-time bartender at the Drunken Moogle and now spends a lot of time there as a patron.
Famous Brother: As much as she hates it, her brother is fairly well known singer, Rhyan Charm, and often she's known as 'Rhyan's sister'.
Red magic: Anna is studying red mage. Maybe you recognise the weapon she carries.
Other: To be honest, Anna's social and outgoing. If you want me to find a reason for our characters to interact, just say. Anna would likely just walk up and start talking to them.

Art: Ayie_OlaerArt on Artists&ClientsFaceclaim: Arina Perchik
OOC: I'm a long time RPer who lives in the UK. I'm fairly open to all types of RP provided it makes sense in the context of Anna's ongoing story. I'm well over 18 and only RP with people who are as well. I'm a big fan of communication, so feel free to poke me OOCly if you have any concerns, questions, or ideas!